Calling all forward-thinking cash investors

You’ve done the hard part – searching for a better way. Now all it takes is a single, streamlined onboarding process and you can access more than 300 term cash investment options. Ranging from 1 week to 1 year and in multiple currencies. We have built leading infrastructure and technology that connects you to leading global banks, governments and corporations at the click of a button.

From the FTSE100 to the Future Fifty, we work with companies of all shapes and sizes

I am a treasurer in…

a large corporation

We understand that corporate treasurers typically have limited options for excess cash investments. Unsecured deposits and MMFs offer highly-correlated exposure to the banking sector and often pay sub-optimal returns. We also know that better alternatives have always required a level of infrastructure, connectivity and expertise only found in the largest financial institutions. That’s now changed.

Our platform provides simple digital access to a new range of cash investment options. With a single onboarding you can access additional high quality bank names, reduce unsecured exposures via the repo market, build a core holding of government assets or simply find true diversification through lending to investment grade corporations. No new infrastracture, minimised risk, maximised return and more time to focus on other priorities. It’s as easy as that.

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a high growth business

You’ve just raised a business-changing amount of money at Series A, B, C, D, E.
Now you need to hold it somewhere before you invest it all in rocketship growth. The problem is you only have one or two bank accounts. Other banks don’t seem to understand your business. Those that do are often intent on identifying your latest investor’s founder’s dog before you can be onboarded. By fax. So, all of your funds remain in those one or two bank accounts, earning almost nothing and taking a whole bunch of credit risk.

Now there is a better way. Our intuitive digital portal, helps you onboard simply and swiftly. It gives you access to hundreds of different cash investment options from leading global banks, governments, corporations and more. You can match your burn rate to fixed maturity investments in just a few clicks. Once that’s in place you can relax and earn material additional revenue. All for free. It’s that simple.

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a financial institution

We know that the job of a treasurer is far from easy and can often mean making uncomfortable compromises. Balancing regulatory change, transformation projects and corporate restructurings can be tough. All while driving for every additional basis point and a risk-adjusted return. It leaves very little time to optimise BAU.

We can now offer you a better way. Using our simple onboarding and KYC process you can start to make a difference in less than 48 hours (for regulated firms). Our clients access more than 300 of the best risk-adjusted cash investment options available anywhere.

Offering products in six currencies across high-quality banks, governments and corporations with terms of 1 week to 1 year. We cater for almost all liability requirements, regulatory structures and risk tolerances.

It’s never been more simple. You don’t need any infrastructure, legal agreements or technology connections. Just a free introductory straight-forward, digital set up (1-2 hrs) and you can lead the change in minimising risk, maximising return and optimising time.

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other cash investor

Not everybody fits into neatly organised boxes. We certainly don’t. And we have myriad clients that can’t be simply categorised. Whether you are a family office or a charity, an IGO or a high net worth individual, a trust company or a local authority, we are confident that we have great products for you.

The core principles of good cash investment are universal: protect principal, meet liquidity needs, diversify risk and earn a fair return. We built our platform to provide our clients with a smart, easy, digital way to meet these objectives. Whatever colour your spots are, we’d love to show you how.

Simple. Standardised. Secure.

the platform

Simply fill in your details here and we’ll be in touch.

Why build your own treasury infrastructure when cash investing like a market leader just got easier?

Experience the platform for yourself and learn just how simple it is minimise risk and maximise returns on your excess cash balances.

A single digital onboarding for multiple investments