Insights - TreasurySpring

TreasurySpring and Global Reach Group Launch Partnership - TreasurySpring

Written by TreasurySpring | Feb 11, 2021 12:00:00 AM

TreasurySpring, the London-based financial technology company that enables firms to minimise risk and maximise returns on excess cash balances, and Global Reach, a leading provider of foreign exchange and international payments, today announced that they have entered into a partnership to deliver seamless access to each other’s services for their clients.

The current climate of ultra-low and negative interest rates, coupled with an uncertain credit outlook presents a material challenge for treasury teams of all shapes and sizes. Through this partnership, Global Reach is able to offer the first white-label platform in the market to provide access to TreasurySpring’s unique Fixed-Term Funds, helping its clients to address these challenges through a fully-integrated solution.

The TreasurySpring FTF platform offers clients the simplest route to access wholesale money markets, with no set-up costs or standing charges, through a simple digital onboarding process which can be completed within days. Once onboarded, clients can access the platform at any time, offering them a tailored menu of low-risk cash management options in multiple currencies across TreasurySpring’s three core verticals—sovereigns, corporations, and bank exposures—all at the click of a button.

This partnership will be available to all TreasurySpring and Global Reach clients, including multinational corporations, SMEs, fund managers, charities, and family offices. It will facilitate swift digital onboarding to both firms, with minimal additional effort, providing access to best-in-class cash investment and FX products and functionality. This will allow clients to streamline their processes and supplement their treasury toolkits with a bespoke combination of services and product offerings, delivering greater value to their core businesses

Kevin Cook, co-founder and CEO, TreasurySpring, said: “Cash investment, funding and FX risk management are intertwined in the core functions of all treasury teams across borders and sectors. From our first interactions with Global Reach, it was clear that they shared our vision for providing client-driven, technology-enabled solutions to this under-served market segment, so we are delighted to be partnering with Nicholas and his team to deliver a truly unique offering to our combined client base.”

Nicholas Fullerton, CEO, Global Reach commented: “The partnership with TreasurySpring allows us to further enhance the suite of treasury management tools we offer our corporate and institutional client base. We are delighted to be able to give our clients access to TreasurySpring’s unique FTFs and support their clients with proactive FX risk management. We very much look forward to a successful collaboration with Kevin and his team.”


Media contacts:


Sarah Duranni, Holly Finn

Streets Consulting

Tel: +44 20 7959 2235

Global Reach

Leandra McPhillips

Commercial Director

Tel: +44 (0)20 3465 8200

About TreasurySpring

TreasurySpring is a financial technology company that is unlocking multi-trillion dollar wholesale money markets. Our Fixed-Term Fund (FTF) platform delivers new digital pipelines to connect cash rich firms to institutional borrowers from the sovereign, bank and corporate sectors.

Built on enterprise-grade infrastructure, FTFs bring the power of the largest, most sophisticated treasury departments to all firms holding material cash balances for the first time.

Since issuing first Fixed-Term Fund in June 2018, TreasurySpring has issued more than USD5.6bn of FTFs and now offers access to more than 140 different FTFs across four currencies on a daily basis, through its digital platform.

Designed for all holders of large cash balances, from corporates to charities, private funds to insurance companies, family offices to private banks and beyond, FTFs provide transparent, single-name, fixed-term access to government, secured bank and corporate assets, through a simple digital platform that requires no additional infrastructure or cost.

For more information, please visit or visit our LinkedIn page.

* About Global Reach*

Global Reach is a leading foreign exchange specialist, providing international payments, risk management and strategic hedging solutions to a wide range of corporate and institutional clients, alongside managing overseas transfers for individual customers.

Founded in 2001, Global Reach now employs almost 200 people globally, supporting clients in more than 70 countries. In 2016, Inflexion Private Equity acquired Foreign Currency Exchange and became majority shareholder of Global Reach Partners, with the companies combining to form Global Reach Group.

Headquartered in London, in recent years the company has developed an international footprint, with offices in Spain, The Netherlands and multiple provinces across Canada. Combining talented people and innovative proprietary technology solutions, the Group transacts almost £6bn annually, cementing its position as an industry leader.

Global Reach Partners Limited is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) as an Payments Institution (FRN 504315). Global Reach Markets Limited is authorised and regulated by the FCA as an investment firm (FRN 526549). Foreign Currency Exchange Limited is authorised by the FCA as an Electronic Money Institution (FRN 900205).

For more information, please visit